Thursday, March 5, 2009

Light Leak Magazine seeking submissions

Read this today over at Aline Smithson's blog. I've seen her name around town. I know she's taught some classes at Julia Dean and downtown at Studio 528. Anyways, she mentions the Light Leak is looking for submissions. LINK

Road Trip : People and Places Along the Way

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Photos MUST be taken using a "low-fi" or "toy" camera - meaning the body of the camera must be low-tech with a simple single element lens (Holga, Diana, and the like). We also like cheap Polaroid cameras. We do not accept images from LC-A, Lubitel, or anything digital. If in doubt, ask, via the forum.

Email Subject line: "Issue 13 Submission"
File Type: .jpg only (low-resolution, 72 dpi, maximum 800 pixels)
Filename: firstname_lastname_LL13.jpg (e.g. michael_barnes_LL13.jpg).
Address :

We no longer send receipts with submissions - only those with an accepted submission will be contacted.

DEADLINE: March 14th, 12:00 EST

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