Monday, March 1, 2010

AdBase Insight Podcasts - Interviews with Art Buyers

AdBase has an amazing library of podcasts on their site where they talk to art buyers, photo directors, director of creative services, from such agencies as Fallon, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, Nike, Chronicle Books as well as magazines Wired and Outside magazine. The interviews runs about 25 minutes long and there's even a transcript if you rather read thatn listen - but that is a recent thing and only the two latest has transcripts. They are also available as a mp3 download or you can subscribe on iTunes. Good to listen to while you are on the computer ^^

In the most recent podcast, they talk to Amy Feitelberg, photo editor of Outside Magazine. Here's some excerpts

What do you look for in their body of work that’s of particular importance to you in choosing a photographer?
For an assignment? Energy. That’s a big word we use around here a lot. And that doesn’t mean necessarily that people are flying through the air but that, you know, there’s a lot of photography out there. Portrait photography, even lifestyle where you know there’s a person just sort of standing in space, and standing and looking right at the camera and just very still.

And that’s sort of the anti-look of what we’re going for, really. Even if it’s just their hair blowing in the breeze or their shirt is wrinkled or whatever, it’s something that gives a certain quality to the image; that makes it feel like there’s movement and life and energy.

Okay. And do you ever actually call in portfolios or do you pick from somebody’s website?
Well, I call-in portfolios less and less only because we’re in Santa Fe and it’s expensive you know… I mean, I like to see a book, I really do, but I have to say I get really disappointed by two things: If I call-in a book and then it’s all the exact same work that’s on their website; and also if the book is printed poorly.

A lot of times [the work will] look good on their websites and because people don’t want to invest everything that it takes to make a really beautiful book... It’s a lot of money… but I think if you’re going to do a book you should do it right. And if I get a book and I see all those images and they’re crazy or saturated and it’s just bad digital printing and all that stuff, then you’re almost canceling out your website.

There's a lot of useful information here ! I'm going to slowly listen my way through them. Although I don't plan on approaching agencies, it doesn't hurt to have a listen. I'm busy enough trying to figure out how to break into the production stills market - and that's a difficult one ! For magazines it is the photo editor, for agencies it is art buyers, for films .... it could be the marketing arm, the producer, the UPM, a host of people. *laughs* what did I get myself into ?

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