Monday, March 8, 2010

ASPP "Beating Recession Fatigue" (3/13)

The West Coast chapter of the American Society of Picture Professionals (ASPP) will be having an event titled "Beating Recession Fatigue" @ Burke Triolo Studios in SoPas on March 13th. Here's the nitty gritty :

Despite what you might hear, there are many success stories in this tough economy. Join our panel of optimists for stories of encouragement, positive thinking and tips for revitalizing your professional outlook. Learn how to positively arm yourself against recession fatigue.

In this shamelessly positive session you will learn:

+How to shake of the recession blues and become the best and motivated YOU again.
+What people just like you did to overcome adversity.
+Real, implementable tricks and tips that you can use TODAY to help you to land your dream job.
+How you can do more than survive but thrive.

Our panelists include:

Teresa Buyikian, founder of Little Bird Communications. As a “reformed cynic’ Buyikian learned first hand about the power of networking and how to use this powerful tool effectively.

Beate Chelette is a Photography Business Success Coach and author of the “From Flash to Cash System” and “How to Make Money With Stock.” She understands and communicates the power of reinvention and possibility.

Eric Romer, Marketing Manager at Headblade, Inc.. Romer is an amazing example of using a non-comformist approach to landing the job you want. His story of effectively using Facebook, the internet, Twitter and a blog site landed him his ideal position.

Sheridan Stancliff, Producer and Studio Manager at Lew Robertson Productions and stock photographer has dealt with long-term job searches personally. Find out about balance, diversity and using “extracurricular activities” to tackle the job market – and maintain your positive outlook.

Tickets are as following (if you prepay by March 10th) : ASPP members $20, APA/ASMP/SAA/PACA $25, Students w/ID $10 and non-members $30. Price goes up by $5 bucks at the door.

Registration and coffee are at 9 am to 9:30, followed by the panel discussion from 9:30 - 10:30, then breakout sessions from 10:30-11:30 followed by Q&A and raffles from 11:30 to Noon.

RSVP to:

Saturday March 13, 2010

Burke Triolo Studios
538 Mission Street
South Pasadina , CA 91030


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