Monday, March 22, 2010

APA/SD "Creativity Roundtable" (3/24)

For our San Diego readers, coming up on March 24th APA/SD is doing a creativity roundtable to discuss creativity and how we manage it.

Come join your peers in a thought provoking evening where we toss around notions of creative habits, innovation, inspiration and inventiveness–and what can be done to overcome creative block. Sometimes being creative is plain old work.

I have a friend who works as a music video director - he tells me whenever he's stuck, he goes and takes a shower !

The event is free to APA members. Students and ASMP folks just pay $5 and all others $10

March 24, 2010 7 pm

Harrison/Rogozienski Studios
930 West Ivy Street
San Diego CA 92101

RSVP here.

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