Friday, March 26, 2010

Jim Marshall (1936-2010)

Photo by Tim Mantoani as part of his Behind Photograph series

We all miss Jim immediately. We all miss Jim tremendously. Maybe we’re surprised by how much we miss him. Jim was a constant in our fraternity of music photographers. He WAS our “fuckin’ guru.” He was a sweet man with a tough, raspy way about him. Jim Marshall stories will abound now, as if they didn’t already. Everybody has a Jim story. That’s because he was an original and he didn’t suffer fools lightly. He had an opinion and he didn’t mind telling it. Jim was the top of the line in music photography. He was a film guy to the end. He did not abide digital. Even answering machines bugged him. He had very little patience for a lot of things except for taking pictures and he was a master at that. He was quick and relentless, wading in with his quiet little Leica and capturing the essence of the person and the moment. I have a picture in my mind of Jim in his “light body” approaching the pearly gates, shouting, “Open the fuckin’ gate” and I’m sure he’ll be given “all access.”

Jim is survived by his wonderful assistant Amelia, and the thousands of people whose lives have been graced by his lens.

- Henry Diltz

Los Angeles Times "Jim Marshall dies at 74; iconic photographer shot music greats"

New York Times "Jim Marshall, Rock ’n’ Roll Photographer, Dies at 74"

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